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Welcome Drury Plaza Hotel Guests

Self-Park Option


To service the needs of the Drury Plaza Hotel guests to the highest possible level, Drury Plaza Hotel has negotiated special rates for those guests that elect to Self-Park their automobile at the Hamilton Garage located on the corner of 12th and Hamilton Ave downtown. See the location and pricing below.

M-F: 6 am – 6 pm: $5

M-F: 6 pm – 7 am: $10

Sat-Sun: $10


Once you enter the Hamilton Garage, please stay as long as you like, up to 72 hours, but remember that charges apply each time you bring your automobile into the garage.


Please feel free to enter the garage at any time of day or night by swiping your credit card at the pay station at the entrance.  If you are joining us after 5:00 pm M-F or on the weekends, the security gate will then then open for your arrival and will close after you enter. All guests should feel free to park on the 1st level after entering the garage. Exiting the garage can be through the use of the elevator or the stairwell.

Car Retrieval Policy

Self-parking guests can enter the garage with their vehicle at any time during normal business hours of between 7am-6pm M-F. For security purposes the garage and ground floor elevator access goes into lock down and the gate shuts M-F from 6pm to 7am and all day Saturday and Sunday. Access to the garage M-F 6pm to 7am and on Saturday and Sunday can obtained by swiping your way into the garage at the front gate and entering at the main entrance.


Emergency assistance can be accommodated by using the Auto Dialer located on the Pay Machine.

Emergency Contact Number


Contact Us

815 Superior Ave., Suite 1325, Cleveland, OH 44114  |  Tel: ?

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